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La saison 3 de la Umbrella Academy a été confirmée!

  • 86

La saison 3 de la Umbrella Academy a été confirmée!

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24 Answers

  1. They should plan to end the series here. Netflix *loves* cancelling their best stuff after 3 seasons.

  2. Honest question, what is there to like about this show. Saw season one and struggled to get though, bad pacing, lackluster acting, and just plain boring.

  3. Great series. I found a lot of good music to listen to from there.


  4. Hurrah!

    Just need Stranger Things 4 and Ratched series 2 and I’m good.

    Oh and 1899 (if you are a fan of Dark, you will know what this is)

  5. Great news, let’s hope that they will keep the trend going as season 2 was better than the first one (which was good too). Cant wait!

  6. Ehhh I liked season 2 but I have some issues with season 2 and the storylines. Ellen Paige essentially played herself with little to no emotion. They made a lot of stupid mistakes and learned nothing from season 2. Very little character growth except for Ben and Klaus. Really Klaus carried the season for me.

  7. That show was real good, had no expectations at the time.

    Season 2 was even better

  8. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess it will have something to do with stopping an apocalypse caused by… I don’t know… Vanya.

  9. Nice! Liked season 2 more than 1, outside of the love affair storyline which never felt real. Ben and Diego’s character development was great.